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Workshop: Labour Market Policy and Labour Law Reform – Tensions and Opportunities

Friday 25th May 2018
IAS Seminar Room, Milburn House, University of Warwick

The topic of labour market policy and its implication for labour law reform is of considerable political and academic importance in the European Union and beyond. The workshop will provide new insights on current reform efforts of labour law in the European Union that are influenced by neoliberal economic policies and constitute responses to the European Employment Strategy. The aim of this interdisciplinary workshop is to evaluate recent labour law reforms at the national and supranational level of the European Union from a comparative perspective. It will ask critical questions about tensions but also opportunities for future labour market policy-driven reforms of labour law. It brings together distinguished academics and Ph.D. students in discussing policy developments and empirical findings.

The workshop is hosted by the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Warwick on the occasion of Riccardo Del Punta’s stay as IAS International Visiting Fellow.

Further details at: https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/law/newsandevents/events/ias_wokshop_labour/